
Briefly Speaking


It is hard to find any regularities bullish for gold since Jan 2013 since the drift of gold is 80 cents a day down.

Tim Cook and the Upside Down man seem to me to use similar kinds of down talk or colloquial phrases consistent with the idea that has world in its grip.

The reverse of a Millstein should be named with a Ring Lardner type title after his short story "Horse Shoes".

Jack Schaeffer is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century but he is looked down upon by literary critics because he wrote about the heroes, who opened up the rugged west, and westerns are looked down upon because of their individualist mien.

Stocks are particularly bullish when they haven't set a new high for x days. The bond stock relation is always changing but seems to be going back to its predictive ways of old.

The constructal law should be quantified as to its predictive properties for markets.

John Markman and Virgina Postrel elicit the most dynamic aspects of the world in their posts on twitter and one admires their dynamism enormously.

Crude is a gnat's eyelash away from meeting the constructal number of 50.

One owned recently the equivalent of a freight train of 100 cars but fortuitously did not hold the position for too great a loss. At least one could have provided a home for the hobo for a few days had one taken delivery.

When a company's sales are up 25 % or more, but it misses analysts projections and drops like a rock in the after market, one looks to buy it. One took such a position with Twitter but because their salaries seem way out of line with their profits, one exited the position.

One often tries to trade individual stocks but finds that companies trading volumes like 5 or 20 million shares a day, which used to be the total volume of trading on the NYSE when I started on a good day, cost about 1/2 % to get out of a position in a hour, and this is much greater than one's edge in trading.
