
I Just Computed


I just computed the rate of return of the web mistress's account at Scott. She doesn't know what the p/e is or the balance sheet although she is very smart and she can climb a pole and make more money per hour than most. In any case, it's about 50 percentage points a year higher than mine, (one almost runs into the problem that idiot savants from academia run into where they can't compute a negative p/e and fail to note that an e/p solves the problems but that would denude their results). In any case she had a few 20 baggers, including Netflix and Tesla, Facebook, and Disney. You might think that it's because of a meaningless low denominator, but we're talking 7 figures. One is tempted to stop trading, give all one's meager funds to Toria, and with the underpluss, see if I can negotiate the Medallion fee down to less than 50%.
