
Proverbs of Wiswell


Tom Wiswell, 1910-1998 wrote 22 books on checkers, was world champion from 1951-1975 and coached me and Wisdom in my offices in a series of weekly lessons over 20 years. Each week he'd prepare 10 proverbs about checkers and life with a view to the markets that his students strove to master.

Wiswell thought that the book of his proverbs would be his best book. I have about 8,000 of these proverbs and I often study them, to improve my game. I find them sustaining and inspirational. I looked through about 500 of them last night and here are some of them that I found particularly useful for the market game. I find that by substituting markets for checkers they are quite resonant and appropriate.

P.S. Whenever Tommy would come into the office, and we'd put the sign up "Board Meeting in Progress", he'd like to say, "Victor— the one thing I regret the most in my life is that I didn't marry a girl like Susan. Then he'd look down at the legs and around a few times and say… "But then again if I had, I might not have written 22 books. But this one's going to be my best."

Here are 16 of his proverbs:

Check your checkers. Every defeat not checked today will haunt you by future defeats tomorrow. Defeats that are corrected are transformed into victories.

A doubting Thomas. If you want to be certain of your position, you must begin by doubting it.

Sensing Danger. A good payer sees the hand-writing on the wall before there is any hand-writing on the wall.

Good Character. Weaknesses of Character are normally shown in the game of checkers and markets.

Defeat. In many losses, it is the one fatal move that breaks the camel's back.

The Good and the Bad. We are inclined to remember the things that go wrong in our games and that's good, but we should also remember the things that go right, that can surely help us.

Thinking Ahead. I have lost many a checkers game– because I didn't think ahead.

Temperance. The race is not to the swiftest, nor the slowest. The Laurel wreath is awarded to the steadiest and the surest.

Keeping records. Writing your games down– and studying them is one combination that often leads to victory: if you don't write you are wrong.

Warfare. It's always wise to remember that your opponent may be as machiavellian and scheming as you are.

A Double Loss. When you have a winning move and instead make a losing move, it is like two games: you lose instead of winning.

Coordination. Never let your hand move faster than your brain: synchronize your thought processes.

Reflection. Sometimes the best move you can make — is to make no move. Take time to reevaluate your position and you may discover a move that you entirely overlooked before. I've often saved a draw. The "no move" may be your best move.

Star Dust. Against a player who makes only star moves– it is very difficult to score any wins.

Depth. The length of time that you have studied is not as important as the depth. You must get to the bottom of the game if you want to reach the top.

Hovering. Good players seldom hover over the board. After you decide on your move– take a firm hold of the piece– and move it to the right square. Hovering shows that you are nervous, undecided. That gives your opponent a decided advantage. You may be headed for a fall.
