
Things Learned From Dinner with Tyler Cowen


Things learned from dinner with Tyler Cowen:

Always order salmon when at a good restaurant (they have to do something good with it to keep it on the menu).

At a fish restaurant, the greater the number of Asians the better. The greater the number of pretty apricot tarts, and joke telling happy people, the worse the restaurant as they're not serious about food.

Order the ugly and unknown as they have to be good to be on menu.

The best strip malls for food don't have a big box like Wallmart.

Conscientousness is the key quality to get a job for young people these days.

The median income has declined some 10% in last 10 years.

The rate of unemployment for males of working age these days is 18% up from 8%.

Le Bernadin is his favorite American restaurant.

Get the best sushi on side streets rather than avenues, and stay away from Paris for good food.

He has eaten at Nona in Copenhagen.

Cowen was New Jersey chess champion or some such at age 14. His step daughter Yanna is very expert at health care, and works for a firm the advisory board that is very interesting.

German economists have depth but not agility unlike his friend Kasparov, who has both but is better at the tactics than Karpov.

Canned food has the best (i.e. least) environmental impact.

Italian wine growers are leaving their firms disproportionately to their female progeny but he doesn't believe the explanation is mainly genetic as in Galton's demonstration that the decline of eminence in England was due to the eminent marrying heiresses who were relatively barren.

A good question that Tyler always asks before ordering any item of the waiter is "if this were your last meal on earth, what would you order?".
