
In the Parks Near Chinatown


In the parks near Chinatown you can see tables devoted to Go. The players are generally 80 to 95 years old although since all Chinese above 80 look similar, some centenarians might be there. Standing on all sides of the table are dozens of spectators who lean forward in tense poses waiting in perilous animation for the move of the masters.

One is reminded of this as everyone waits for the important number announcement moves like employment. Of course the numbers are distributed on a "need to know basis" to the president, and presumably to be fair to the challenger, and of course to the "central" and presumably their colleagues across the world say in Negara so that their crucial operations in the exchange market might not be disrupted (where is my challenger friend who has a bedroom here when I could interpret his body language). And one can imagine the give and take before the release from the circular office. "No that's too low, we got a lot of flack last time. Suzy might have let Jack out of the attic again. How about a little rise. But keep it below the round".

The centenarians perched precariously smile inwardly.
