
The Fed


The Fed gave a vigorous defense of their policies today. One wonders if there is anything that would ever convince them that their policies were and are wrong. For example, if the more they QE it, the worse the economy gets, and the more intractable the employment situation gets. There is something terribly wrong with certain banks laying off 30,000 operatives while at the same time receiving hundreds of billions of emollients in form of investment, loans, purchase of assets, flexionic information, favored deals, guarantees, bailouts, favored nation treatment in regulation and the Good One knows what else, and maintaining and building their 2,500 man trading rooms and CIO's. One mechanism that would cause all such transfers of resources to these favored flexionic institutions to create discommodiation in everyone else, would be the loss of incentives that creates in those not favored. But it goes much deeper than that.
