
The Black Doctor


The black doctor inspires some relevant Wiswell Proverbs.

1. "Not all games are lost in the mid and end games; many players go astray in the opening"
(beware of hasty opening forays)

2. "Some players know the game very well but don't know the game players themselves: this can lead to self defeat"
(It is bad to trade against the Fed or the flexions or small groups that control the fixings or pricings)

3. "Some players can stand a series of dull games, but the creative player lives for a challenge and a crisis. The latter star may win a brilliancy prize now and then but often at the risk of losing a few"
(A derivatives expert can make a profit once every 10 years or so assuming he can get out without the 100% bid ask spread or that homeostasis does not come at expiration)

4. "Keep your manuscript and in your years ahead, your manuscript will keep you"
(write down your trades and prices and keep them handy in front of you not on an instrument that can be wiped out by a (hammer?) or an algorithm)

5. "It is important to keep your forces together, yet flexible, ready, to attack or defend as the game develops. Any General will tell you that a divided army is hardly headed for victory."
(too many positions, too many accounts, too much money committed to margin is guaranteed to cause failure)

6. "Do not assume that every move a master makes is strong, or that every move a patzer makes is weak. Play the board not the player."
(the palindrome and the upside down man have been known to nod)

7. "When we resign with a draw on the board, and many of us do we don't deserve a draw"
(getting out of a winning position when it starts backpedaling is a dreadful psychosis that we should ask Dr. Brett about)

8. "The fourth dimension. In addition to the opening, the midgame, and the ending, there is a fourth act to every game– the result."
(you can play a great and lose, and a bad game and win)

9. The right way to win a game is before the first move has been made.
(prepare before the opening and know why and what you are doing)

10. "The winner of a game is not always determined by who is right–but in the end, by who is left."
(squalls, stops, and margin calls can occur)
